Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) is an innovative technology that makes it possible to determine the dynamic load capacity of overhead lines. Unlike static ratings, which are conservatively designed for the most unfavorable environmental conditions, DLR takes into account the actual environmental factors prevailing at the time in real time. The precise adaptation of power capacity to weather conditions offers considerable advantages: Grid bottlenecks can be reduced, overloads avoided and the existing infrastructure optimally utilized - a decisive factor in reducing grid expansion costs and ensuring grid stability.In addition to a real-time calculation, it can also be used to calculate a forecast, e.g. to show the electricity load capacity for the following day. Together with a forecast of the expected yields from wind power and photovoltaics, this provides valuable information that contributes to the stable operation of the electricity grids.
In Germany, the
NOVA principle (grid optimization before expansion and reinforcement) is ascribed a central role. It stipulates that existing grid capacities must first be optimized before new lines are built or existing ones reinforced. DLR technology meets these requirements as it enables the efficient use of existing overhead lines without the need for costly and lengthy construction projects.
- Factual basis for the DLR sector: The electrical conductivity of overhead lines depends largely on environmental factors: Wind speed, air temperature and solar radiation influence the temperature of the conductor cables. If this rises above a certain level, the electrical resistance increases, which jeopardizes both the transmission capacity and the safety of the infrastructure. A key feature of DLR is its ability to assess the natural cooling caused by wind and thermal radiation and to adapt the dynamic load capacity of the cables accordingly. Studies show that, on average, DLR can significantly increase the capacity of transmission lines, thereby noticeably improving the efficiency of grids. According to estimates, the increase is often in the range of 20 to 40 %. DLR technologies support the integration of renewable energy by enabling grid operators to feed in significantly more energy from sources such as wind and solar power. It is estimated that curtailments can be significantly reduced, in some cases by a double-digit percentage.
Curtailments refer to the reduced feed-in of electricity from renewable energy sources (e.g. wind and solar energy) when the grid cannot absorb the excess energy. This happens when the electricity grid does not have enough capacity due to overload or grid instability..
- Measuring stations, hotspots & automation: The measuring stations for weather-dependent overhead line operation (WAFB) are installed at strategic points on overhead lines - so-called hotspots. These locations are characterized by high meteorological relevance. Typically, sensors are attached to electricity pylons at a height of 15 to 30 meters, as the wind and temperature conditions that determine the heat dissipation of the conductor cables can be recorded undisturbed here. In some projects, DLR systems also offer the possibility of using AI-supported algorithms that can analyze the measurement data and contribute to improving grid planning. Integration into existing SCADA systems is also possible to ensure seamless integration and automated control..
- Reduction of bottlenecks and cost savings: A major advantage of DLR is the reduction of grid bottlenecks at peak load times, when the actual line capacity exceeds the nominal capacity of the line under certain environmental conditions and is optimally utilized. The economic advantage is obvious: higher grid capacity with unchanged grid infrastructure, i.e. no need to build new lines. Estimates suggest savings in the billions per year. As the NOVA principle only allows the construction of new lines after existing capacities have been utilized, technologies such as DLR make an important contribution to complying with regulatory requirements for efficient grid use.
- Upgrade with more powerful cables versus DLR: An alternative to DLR is the use of new cables that are designed for higher loads and offer a better basic capacity. However, such an upgrade requires considerable investment. DLR, on the other hand, optimizes the existing infrastructure by adapting the load on the cables to the weather conditions in real time. This allows the varying cable capacity to be optimally utilized without additional costs for cable replacement.
Conclusion: Dynamic Line Rating offers the opportunity to make power grids smarter, more efficient and safer. By using high-precision overhead line sensors from Thies CLIMA, such as those provided and installed by Wilmers Messtechnik GmbH, overhead lines can be monitored in real time and their dynamic load capacity reliably calculated. The combination of technological progress, regulatory support and economic efficiency makes DLR a crucial component of modern energy grids.
Suitable sensors for Dynamic Line Rating (DLR)Thies CLIMA offers high-precision sensors that have been specially developed for the requirements of weather-dependent overhead line operation (WAFB). These sensors play a central role in the precise determination of environmental parameters that are necessary for calculating the dynamic load capacity of overhead lines.