Air humidity measuring technology
Psychrometer – Measuring the dry bulb temperature
Psychrometers are measurement instruments with which the humidity of the atmosphere can be measured by measuring the dry bulb temperature, and the wet bulb temperature, and applying the psychrometric equation. Owing to the good
measurement accuracy attainable, it is also used as a reference instrument.
Product name
Product name / Brief description
Sling Psychrometer
1.0450.00.010Sling Psychrometer
Simple, sturdy measuring instrument. The air ventilation required is attained by rotary
centrifugal movement. The instrument is supplied with the required moistening device
along with a psychrometric table.
Psychro transmitter
1.1130.xx.000Psychro transmitter
Measuring instrument to determine the air humidity values based on the dry and moist temperature An attached water container provides for the moistening of the psychro sensor. The doublewalled protection tubes protect the sensor from radiation. A hanger, included in delivery, serves for the lateral mounting of the psychro-transmitter at a
facade, wall etc.
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